Advocate Flea, Heartworm & All Wormer for Cats

Collection: Advocate Flea, Heartworm & All Wormer for Cats

Smartway Pet Supplies: Advocate for Cats - A Fresh Take on Cat Care

Yo, cat peeps! Smartway Pet Supplies is hyped to roll out Advocate for Cats, a game-changer in feline wellness. We're all about hooking you up with easy-to-get, high-quality, no-prescription-needed gear, and Advocate is the MVP, getting a big high-five from vets. It's your all-in-one playbook against fleas, ticks, heartworms, and more, making pet care a breeze.

Who's Gonna Dig Advocate?

Advocate is a dream come true for cat parents aiming for the health hall of fame, especially those in the 30 to 50 crowd who vibe with our straightforward, effective care solutions. It's a must-have in your pet wellness toolkit.

The Scoop on Advocate:

  • All-Star Defense: Not just a flea blocker, Advocate goes hard against ticks, heartworms, and internal worms, covering all the bases.
  • Application's a Snap: Once a month and you're set, keeping your furball covered without any fuss.
  • Fast and Lasting: Gets to work pronto and keeps the shield up all month long.
  • Safe and Sound: Crafted with your kitty's safety in mind, it's a treatment you can trust.

How to Spot-On Advocate:

Getting Advocate on your cat is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Find the Sweet Spot: Just behind the neck where they can't lick.
  2. Hit 'Em with the Drop: Squeeze the treatment right onto the skin.
  3. Let It Dry: That's it. You're all set for a month of protection.

Behind the Magic of Advocate:

Thanks to its wicked formula, Advocate stops parasites dead in their tracks, disrupting their evil plans and ensuring your cat's living their best life.

We're All About That Feedback:

Hit us up with your Advocate victories. Tag us with #SmartwayAdvocate and join the party at our social fam, where every cat's health is worth celebrating.

Easy on the Wallet, Easy to Get:

We've priced Advocate to be easy on your pocket, and without the need for a prescription, it's never been simpler to ensure top-tier care for your kitty.

Your Feline Care Partner:

Picking Advocate from Smartway Pet Supplies means you're not just buying a product; you're signing up for your cat's vibrant, healthy future. Chill knowing you're nailing pet care, both effortlessly and affordably.

Advocate FAQs:

  • Why's Advocate the Top Pick? It's your do-it-all, easy-apply solution for peace of mind in cat care.
  • Rx Needed? Nah, we're keeping it hassle-free. No prescription necessary.
  • How Often? Just a once-a-month deal for continuous, top-notch protection.
  • Is It Safe? Totally. Vet-recommended and cool for cats, even the little ones over 9 weeks.
  • What's It Do? Advocate breaks up the parasite party, keeping your cat safe from freeloaders.

Jump on the Advocate bandwagon at Smartway Pet Supplies, and be part of a growing crew of satisfied cat parents looking out for their fur babies.